Tale Spring's Best App Contest WINNER: Alicia VanNoy Call with her app "The Very Hungry Zombie: A Tale of Ravenous Reanimation!" (it's that good, you'll love it!)
We created them together for the same Children's Book Illustration class we were both taking, and we both used "TaleSpring.com" as our platform. In December we both entered our finished apps in Tale Spring's contest for the best app between three schools: UVU, BYU, and one other school I'd never heard of. Guess who won? :D My bestie! Congrats Lee!
In "The Very Hungry Zombie: A Tale of Ravenous Reanimation" the animated zombie eats a statue's head, a jackhammer to break up the head, some glue to still the jackhammer, some fire to melt the glue, and gets more and more hilarious (or worse and worse for poor zombie!)..... It's narrated by her adorable kids whose voices add much to the playful cuteness. Every time she showed us the latest progress in class, everyone was laughing. Hope you enjoy!!
Great work Lee! <3
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