Morgan County News: Front Page!!

Check it out!

A few weeks ago I received a phone call from one of my cute small town's newspaper journalists, asking if she could interview me for the Morgan County News Paper.  She introduced herself by saying she went to school with my brother (or was it my sister?), is friends with my sister-in-law, that my friend from high school married her brother, and that her sister was my tennis partner.  

She asked many wonderful questions, and I had a lovely time completing the interview.  A few days later I found out I would be on the front page.  A week or so later I got texts from my family members saying, "I see you are in the paper!!"  

And so I am.  :)  I love the way she wrote it and feel extremely privileged to share my work with my hometown where it all began!  


  1. Woohoo! Congratulations! I like the mustache scribble. :P

    And now I know your first name too. :P

  2. Cool to read more of your story Ginny. I found it interesting to trace your path. That conference was certainly a key event, as conferences often seem to be.

    Can you post a picture of your Fire Station mural? Would love to see it!


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