Music and Art: Left Brain, Right Brain

First, I'm sorry for the delay--I'm in process of moving right now.

So.  I'm all excited to draw again!!  I'll tell you why, but first let me give you some background so you understand.

As an early art student I took "Drawing I" and my professor set up some cones and boxes with direct lighting in the center of the room for us to draw, and then.... turned on some music.  "Cool.... music!  I like this guy," was my only thought.  I soon discovered there was more to this trick than met my naive ears.  He explained that drawing is a right brain activity, and if we put on music, we distract the left brain which will allow the right brain to go to work and draaaaaw til there's no tomorrow.  Surgeons do the same thing while operating.  You've probably found that music or audio books help while you're cleaning or cooking.

So back to why I'm excited to sit and draw again: I've had a lot of advice about tapping into things that inspire me.  I was sick of all my music and didn't have that to look forward to anymore.  And music is one of my main inspirations and passions in life.  SO... I recently found the BEST pandora station.  Escala Radio.  I highly recommend.  Especially when in brainstorming, idea-oriented, thumb-nailing stages (because left brain is needed).  If you're like me, you can't listen to your favorite songs, especially if you love singing along, because you won't be able to concentrate and think of ideas.  But once you get the thumb-nails knocked out, you can put back on your fav songs and sing along again because now your art is back to right brain--thinking about color, shape, texture, design, etc.  Now I'm all happy to sit and work cuz I get to plug into Escala Radio.  If I'm being really honest, the real excitement is that I also only just remembered pandora existed.  Where have i been!  How many amazing stations are there to discover??!

So it's awesome.  That's what works for me.

What inspires you?



  1. Oh I just discovered "Blackmill Radio" too!! Mmmmm.

  2. I tried Escala Radio for writing. I like it!

    1. Really???? You listened to it???? And you like it? :D Cool. Adiemus Radio is my new fav, you should you should try it out. ;) Piano Guys Radio is nice too... it's close to Escala. But more gentle and pretty. Epic Soundtracks Radio is always good... I was surprised you tried it for writing. I can't have music when I write! Cool, thanks so much for commenting. :)


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